Energy Savings Calculator
Discover how much you can save with our Core
Your Energy Setup
Your Estimated Yearly Savings

Total Financial Savings
Estimated yearly savings*
*Calculation Assumptions
- Avg. price spreads 0.58 SEK/kWh1
- Solar production: 950 kWh/kWp/year2
- Self-consumption base: 30%2
- Battery cycles: 360 per year
- EV consumption: 2,400 kWh/year3
- Includes used and sold PV energy
1 ENTSO-e (2024)
2 IEA (2023)
3 Vattenfall (2022)

Are you also paying too much for electricity?
Many homeowners pay 50 000 SEK* per year. See how you can reduce this.
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Engineered to cut electricity costs
By adding Enequi’s AI-powered intelligence to your property, the cost of your future energy bills will decrease significantly.
Core automatically manages your electricity usage and production. Generating cost savings and peace-of-mind.
Automated Intelligence
You don’t need to know the ins and outs of technology to save big.
We focus on finding the smartest, most efficient ways to reduce your property’s energy use and costs.
Core takes care of the details, automatically trimming your expenses every day, month after month, with an ever-improving accuracy—so you can save more without the hassle.
Let us handle the everyday work, and simply enjoy the results.

Upgrade to a Core Home
Reduce your electricity bill from 50 000 SEK to 25 000 SEK per year.**
Connect your current installation



By installing solar panels, using a home battery and modern appliances you have done a lot to lower your electricity costs.
But what if we told you that we can lower your pay-off time by 50%?
Cost and yearly compensation for 10 kWp PV-installation.
Source: Solceller: Komplett guide inför ditt köp (2024) | SolcellsOfferter

The QuiPower App
Get quick access to insights that are important to you as a property owner
• How much money have you saved?
• How much money have you earned?
• How much electricity is consumed?
• How much electricity is produced?
• Is the electric car charging?
• If you have a home battery – what is the charge status?
The QuiPower app provides access to all essential settings, electric vehicle charging management, and detailed statistics. You can also activate additional features, like Support services for QuiPower, and stay updated with the latest news.
And if you’d rather take a hands-off approach, QuiPower will still work wonders all on its own.

This is me optimizing my electricity consumption.
Automated optimizations can reduce your electricity bill from 50 000 SEK to 25 000 SEK per year.
While you do whatever.
* Assume an annual consumption of 23,000 kWh/year including an electric car.
The price of electricity is assumed to be 2 SEK/kWh, resulting in an annual cost of 46,000 SEK/year.
It is assumed that the upcoming power charges will result in an additional annual cost of 4,000 SEK/year.
** Assuming that a 10kW solar installation generates a revenue of 15 000 SEK/year in Sweden.
By adding a home battery, the revenue is further increased to 16 000 SEK/year.
If a Core is added to the system, it optimizes the solar-battery installation to its full potential and increases the revenue to 25 000 SEK/year.